On Thursday, the 16th of June, Savremena’s students visited the Shelter and donated all of the resources and funds they raised in their charity campaigns to the children who live and work on the streets of Belgrade.
Students organise a charity campaign for children from the Shelter
Savremena International School students set up the “Small Gift for Great Joy” campaign through which they collected clothes, toys, books, magazines and sweets for the children from the Shelter.
The campaign continued at the end-of-year performance at Dom Omladine where students raised funds by selling their hand-made “Savremenčići” soaps” and the “Scary and Other Stories” storybook which they wrote and illustrated themselves. The funds raised were used to buy additional resources and necessities for the children from the Shelter.
A heart-warming meeting between our students and the children from the Shelter
Our students demonstrated a great deal of hard work and dedication as they collected resources for the children from the Shelter. But that is not all, they also wanted to meet the children themselves, talk to them and find out more about their lives and hardships. That is why, with their teacher Ana Manojlović they visited the Shelter and personally presented the children with the things they collected for them.
By talking to the children from the “Shelter”, our students discovered that they have many things in common with them namely a shared interest in sports especially football and similar opinions on the favourite and least favourite subjects.
The boys and girls at the shelter were intrigued by Savremena’s students because they were wearing uniforms, they were curious about their age and which football players they like the most. Their shared love for the sport as the most important pastime was demonstrated on the field when they played a match together.
The altruism of our students continues
The visit to the Shelter helped Savremena’s students understand what kind of problems do children who are forced to live and work on the street face every day. Our students were truly struck and humbled when they realised how similar the children are to them yet how different a life they are forced to lead.
Savremena’s students expressed a wish to return to the Shelter, alone or with their parents and to donate something more to the children, something more valuable namely their time and friendship. We are proud of the kind and charitable nature of our students who want to show that despite some differences and regardless of someone’s living conditions, deep down we are all the same.