Savremena’s first grade students combined their knowledge in various subjects and revisited the best moments from the past school year while creating video material for a project that showed them not only that friendship can overcome any obstacle, but that there is no education without Latin, as well (Sine lingua Latina nullum intelligentia).
Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno
Or: One for all, all for one!
The idea initiated by Latin teacher Natalija Stanković, Art teacher Ana Manojlović, Music teacher Tamara Rajinac, Serbian teacher Zorana Cenić and ICT teacher Filip Lončar, was to pour students’ skilfulness and creativity into video material that would highlight the omnipresence of Latin.
In the spirit of the phrase Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno, Savremena’s students linked the photos of their school life to Latin sayings and, using WeVideo, created videos accompanied by music, depicting the beauty of the unity and friendship they have built this year.
Creative ideas and an excellent response to all technical requirements clinched victory for class I-3, whose video was embellished with the enchanting voice of Adriana Salahović.
They know how to motivate students
Savremena’s teachers are constantly aware of the importance of correlation between subjects, as this approach facilitates the understanding and interconnection of different subjects. With perpetual enthusiasm, they strive to make teaching fun, and learning a combination of inspiring challenges, which is why projects such as these are part of everyday life at Savremena International School.