At Savremena, the end of the school year was once again marked by noteworthy events. On Thursday, 15 June, on a pitch at Ada Ciganlija, Savremena’s students challenged their teachers in a football match, while fostering the importance of friendship, support and team spirit.
Who do you think won – the young or the experienced?
Qualification round, followed by finals against teachers
First and second grade students formed four teams which competed against one another. These matches were actually the qualifying round for the final match, in which the students played against their teachers.
Since the semifinals ended in a tie, the match went into a penalty shootout. The first graders won and went on to face the teachers’ side in the finals. Although the students displayed great skills on the pitch, the teachers won the match with a narrow win of 4:3.
The school where teachers and students are friends
Savremena International School cherishes the concept of schooling in which the teacher is, above all, a friend and support to every student. Friendship and unity are strengthened on a daily basis through conversation, lessons, extracurricular activities and socialising of this kind, which is a prerequisite for creating an honest and valued relationship.
Take a look at what kind of relationship Savremena’s teachers strive to build with their students.