On Thursday, 8 March, the new stage at the Zvezdara theatre echoed with the laughter of delighted Savremena’s students who joined the large audience attending the play Boeing Boeing, directed by Predrag Stojmenović.
A humorous perspective on Paris in the 1960s
The play Boeing Boeing is one of the favourite comedies of theatre goers, and the great reviews it got served as an excellent recommendation for Savremena’s students to visit the Zvezdara theatre. A great cast comprising Radovan Vujović, Jelena Gavrilović, Marina Vodeničar, Viktor Savić, Nada Macanković and Borka Tomović took Savremena’s students to 1960s Paris. This poetic and entertaining story delighted the students, and the interesting plot and the realistically depicted spirit of Paris of that time, recognizable for the emergence of the hippie movement and the development of television and popular culture, made the time fly for Savremena’s students.
The funny yet poetic tone of the play was the topic of discussion among the students who were particularly impressed by the exquisite performance of the young Serbian actors.
A school where students love extracurricular activities
Savremena’s students love the extracurricular activities organised by their school. They eagerly await each new visit and look forward to feeling, experiencing and witnessing the wide variety of cultural events in Belgrade theatres, cinemas, museums and other cultural institutions.
All activities are carefully chosen so that after a school day, they can continue to learn, enrich their inner world and understand the importance of culture. This is why Savremena’s students are becoming an audience of refined taste and developed critical thinking; an audience that has become a dear guest at all events in Belgrade.