Are you dreaming about recording a memorable film? Composing a catchy tune? Exploring, discovering or publishing articles in the newsletter? Showing the world all your hidden talents and penchants?

When the bell chimes for the end of a school day, International School’s door remains open for you! In a plethora of clubs and workshops you can choose the ones which suit your interests. So take that camcorder and make your first film! Pick your instrument and let it whisper the most wonderful melody you would like to share with the others! Grab that pen and start writing creatively! Review and publish – make the world a better place! Let your camera capture the most stunning moments around you!

Clubs designed to suit the students

Eco-School Club (student-led club)

Do you care about the environment and wish to change the world? Whether you want to recycle, make sure that your environment is clean and work towards a more sustainable future, this club is just for you! Join our eco-movement and make an impact!

Benefits: Through various projects, you will be able to combine your academic knowledge, social-emotional competencies and work towards a more sustainable future. Be the change you want to see in the world.

Procedure for collecting recyclable material

The Book Nook

Are you an avid reader who struggles to find friends who share your love for books? Do you miss literary projects and analyses in your regular English class? Do you have a hidden talent for writing that you have yet to explore? Guess what – International School is opening its doors to the Book Nook, which will take you through many different realms and stories and let you meet all the characters who live there. Join Miss Jovana and Miss Ljubica on the adventurous journey through fiction!

Benefits: Students are introduced to the artful skill of reading which enhances their understanding of the language as well as complex socio-cultural aspects of the written word. At the same time, the students can use this club to talk to the teachers about the books they have read and work towards fulfilling their academic requirements.


MindfulnessMindfulness is a way of life. Students and teachers alike are able to work on their mental and emotional health through various techniques. Mindfulness helps students to focus better, to learn and study more efficiently. Over time, the students who participate in this club can transfer these mindful skills and adopt them in real life circumstances. This club brings a lot of fun and joy into students’ lives. Overall, it boosts their life energy and general wellbeing.

Benefits: Students improve their attention span, as well as increase their motivation and focus. By relieving stress, it helps them achieve better exam results and prepares them for various stressful academic and professional situations.

Exploring France

The students are warmly invited to do some research on the lifestyle, culture, geography, art and cuisine of France and other French-speaking countries. They will see films, listen to music, visit French museums online, read and write poetry, taste and prepare French recipes and communicate with students from French-speaking schools. They will visit and participate in cultural events related to the month of the French-speaking world (celebrated every March), prepare a French food tutorial and present their site/presentations to the school and the community. This has been a successful practice in French lessons so far – so let’s make a club this year!

Benefits: Cooperation with the community, welfare organisations through exhibitions and performances, collaboration with French-speaking schools whilst improving language skills. Also, this club has various academic benefits: Academic Writing, Reading, Creative Writing, Cooking”

Python 101

Python 101 is intended for students with little or no programming experience. It aims to provide students with an understanding of the role computation can play in solving problems and to help students, regardless of their major, feel justifiably confident of their ability to write small programs that allow them to accomplish useful goals. The class uses the Python 3.X programming language.

Benefits: Programming / constructive projects are encouraged. This way, students gain both practical and theoretical knowledge combining social and computer sciences in order to become well-rounded, critical thinking individuals.

Speech and Debate (a student-led club)

You find excitement in challenges, speak clearly, think quickly, can clarify arguments and provide examples? You can give a persuasive speech, and 

maintain a professional tone and body language? Then wait no more and join our students , and discuss various topics. Speech and debate is a life-changing activity that prepares students for universities, careers, and the future. Debates enable you to advance your public speaking and critical thinking skills, and perform gracefully under pressure.

Benefits: Developing sound and logical arguments, taking initiative and leadership, honing research skills, critical thinking, organisational skills, persuasion and communication.

ISMUN Club (a student-led club)

The ISMUN Club enables you to participate in a challenging simulation of a United Nations debate. Stepping in the shoes of chairs and delegates, you will discuss important on-going global issues using communication skills, vast knowledge and a diplomatic approach. By representing a country, you are required to approach issues using said country’s regulations and policies, which allows you to think from different perspectives.

Benefits: Developing critical, analytical and global perspectives, nurturing international-mindedness.

Music Club

Do you like to sing and are a proud representative of our school? We have a great place for you to be – school choir. Come with us to sing and create a school hymn. Not only that, if you are into music or play an instrument, be free to join us. Be prepared to overcome your fear of public performance and make your voice be heard.

Benefits: Students will sing, compose, dance and even play instruments! By enabling our students to show their talents while they are having fun at the same time, we will develop their transversal competencies, while also taking into account their interests.

How to choose?

Choose as many clubs as you like and enjoy.

The clubs are optional – it is, therefore, not mandatory to choose any of these extracurricular activities if you do not envision yourself doing them. However, if you do choose an activity, it becomes mandatory and it is important that you attend the meetings regularly and consistently in order to really be able to master the skills covered in these clubs.

Pick one of the clubs and shake up your creativity. Our team of club instructors will help you develop both your intellectual and emotional integrity through various workshops and debate sessions. They are going to help you discover your talents, apply your knowledge in real-life situations and learn how to be even more efficient.

Free your talents and we are going to encourage, support and reward you!

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