Tuesday, 21 May, was dedicated to marine animals as Savremena’s Year 10 students visited Belgrade’s Tropicarium with their Biology teacher and class teacher. Located in Dedinje, the green heart of our capital, the Belgrade Tropicarium was a place of learning and creativity for the students on Tuesday.
Several hours spent there proved to be more than inspirational for young scientific minds, as they explored the vibrantly coloured fish, exquisite snakes and furry spiders.
A look into the underwater world
Piranhas were the starting point for the amazing tour. From these deadly yet fascinating creatures, the students moved onto the fish of the Danube and the Sava, and the arachnids of the tropics. International School Savremena promotes the idea of creative learning, which is why this visit was highly educational as well. The students were asked to take photos of different species, research the chosen representatives and subsequently make a report for class.
Active participants rather than bystanders
This visit both intrigued and inspired Savremena’s students. Some of them even dared to touch the snakes, while the bravest among them took photos with these magnificent creatures.
This educational trip was an exquisite opportunity for the students to see first-hand the creatures they are studying, and also to gather new and important information about the future of our planet, including the environmental changes that are affecting marine life and shaping our planet. Upon their return to the school, the students shared their experiences with their schoolmates, thus raising awareness among the younger generations about the significance of possessing knowledge of various contemporary issues.
International School Savremena strives to enrich the students’ academic and social skills. Such a plethora of experiences is paramount to the students’ success, which is why similar visits will be encouraged in the future.