With International Women’s Day fast approaching, as we await the 8th of March, the more we think about the position of women in societies across the world and above all our own. In search for an answer to the inquiry, Savremena’s students visited the “When women became citizens” exhibition on Wednesday the 2nd of March and Thursday the 3rd of March. This exhibition was organised by the Serbian National Museum in Belgrade in cooperation with the Odbrana Media Centre.
The transformation of women and their role in society
The exhibition at the Central Military Club of Serbia is comprised of works by famous Serbian artists who captured the spirit of the transitional period as women moved towards equality. Famous paintings by Serbia’s distinguished masters including Paja Jovanović, Uroš Predić, Nadežda Petrović and many others were on display at the exhibition taking Savremena’s students back to the 19th and 20th century and right into the lives of the women they depict.
The sketches, drawings and graphics show women of various professions and from different social ranks; some are wives of wealthy aristocrats in Serbia’s ruling dynasties while others are modern and sophisticated citizens, either anonymous or well-known for their contributions to culture and the arts. As they walked through the exhibition, students could progress through the different stages of female emancipation ultimately leading to the recognition of their equality and citizenship. They were also able to recap some important milestones like when the first girls were allowed to attend a mixed school in the Principality of Serbia.
An exhibition that makes you think
The paintings taught students about the roles of women as well as the historical backdrop and the rights they themselves enjoy today.
The paintings as well as art teacher Ana Manojlović who took the students to the exhibition as well as other teachers all inspired students to truly think about the different roles of women through history. Have they attained equality? What rights and freedoms do they enjoy today that they didn’t have in the past?
Raising awareness on gender equality
The goal of the visit was to teach students about the importance of gender equality and the detriments of sexism to society. Students agreed that there should be no gender-based discrimination, especially when it comes to basic rights and freedoms. Thus, any kind of discrimination not only reflects utter disrespect of a person’s integrity it also threatens their identity.
On this particular occasion, students explored gender-equality from the female perspective because the International Women’s day is just around the corner. The boys didn’t mind because they are true gentlemen. They agreed that they would make sure to always treat women and their female friends with the utmost respect and kindness, just as they deserve.
More pictures in our gallery.