General information and requirements

The Cambridge AICE Diploma is a group certificate that requires learners to study a compulsory core subject, Cambridge International AS Level Global Perspectives & Research, with Cambridge International AS & A Level subjects drawn from three curriculum areas:

  • Core group 0 – 9239 Global Perspectives & Research;
  • Mathematics & Science (Group 1) – 9618 Computer Science, 9700 Biology, 9701 Chemistry, 9702 Physics, 9709 Mathematics, 9990 Psychology;
  • Languages (Group 2) – 9093 English Language; AS level only: 8682 French Language, 8683 German Language, 8685 Spanish Language; A level only: 9716 French, 9717 German, 9719 Spanish*;
  • Arts & Humanities (Group 3) – 9481 Digital Media & Design, 9489 History, 9609 Business, Travel and Tourism i Law, 9708 Economics, 9990 Psychology**;

*Note: AS and A level foreign languages can be taken as exam only options.
**Note: 9990 Psychology can be used as a qualifying subject in either Group 1 or Group 3, but can only be used to fulfil the criteria for a single subject group.

To be eligible to receive the Cambridge AICE Diploma, candidates must:

  • obtain at least seven credits including the compulsory Cambridge International AS Level Global Perspectives & Research;
  • obtain at least one credit in each of the three main curriculum areas (Groups 1, 2 and 3) as well as the compulsory Cambridge International AS Level Global Perspectives & Research.

Can the results of the AS and A level exams accumulated over more examination periods be counted towards the AICE Diploma?

Candidates can accumulate the results to be used towards the Cambridge AICE Diploma over more than one series, provided these series are within a 25-month period. This means that a candidate entering for the Cambridge AICE Diploma in the June 2022 series can only use previous results gained in the June 2020 series or later.

Upon completion of the AS level examination, the student will receive a grade marked in a lowercase letter ranging from a to e, depending on the percentage of the marks obtained. These lowercase grades are to be considered as stepping stones towards completing the A level examination, as the results from the AS level examination are combined with the results from A2 level examinations (the second half of the A level examination) once the student has taken the exam. The final A level grade that will be listed on the AICE Diploma is the average grade of the AS and A2 level examinations.

Students who do not sit all components of the A level examinations in one examination session, but sit AS and A2 level examinations separately, can carry their AS level results forward to the next two examination sessions. After two examination sessions have passed (which is approximately 13 months), the students will be required to sit all components of the exam again. If a student decides not to sit the A2 components, the AS level results will not expire and will remain valid.

The Cambridge AICE Diploma will be awarded on the basis of the following points system:

  • A Cambridge International A Level will count as two credits.
  • A Cambridge International AS Level will count as one credit.

Please note that A level subject comprises AS level (taken in Year 12), and A2 level examination (taken in Year 13). Each of the sublevels counts as one credit towards the AICE Diploma. Alternatively, if a student enrolls in a subject in the final year of studies or receives unsatisfactory results, he/she can sit the A level examination (meaning Y12 and Y13 components of the subject) in one examination series and receive two credits.

The following combinations are therefore valid:

Cambridge International A Level (2 credits)Cambridge International AS Level (1 credit)Cambridge International AS Level Global Perspectives & Research (1 credit)*Total credits

Obtaining the results

To qualify for the Cambridge AICE Diploma, candidates must pass the subject in Core Group 0 and at least one subject in each of groups 1, 2 and 3. Candidates must obtain at least Grade E(e) at Cambridge International A Level or Grade e(e) at Cambridge International AS Level. In addition, candidates must pass enough qualifying subjects to gain at least seven Cambridge AICE credits overall. One of these has to be 9239 Global Perspectives & Research.

Candidates who meet the requirements of the Cambridge AICE Diploma will be awarded a Pass, Merit or Distinction. Candidates will be allocated points according to the grades they achieve in each subject as follows:

Cambridge International A Level grade achievedPoints for Cambridge International A Level study

Cambridge International AS Level grade achievedPoints for Cambridge International AS Level study

The maximum number of points a candidate can be awarded for the Cambridge AICE Diploma is 420. The award the candidate receives is then determined as follows:

Total scoreAward (if Cambridge AICE criteria are met)
360 to 420Cambridge AICE Diploma with Distinction
250 to 359Cambridge AICE Diploma with Merit
140 to 249Cambridge AICE Diploma at Pass Level
Below 140No Cambridge AICE Diploma

Candidates who fail to gain the Cambridge AICE Diploma will be awarded Cambridge International AS & A Level certificates showing the results in the individual subjects taken.

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