New Year’s Magic

Christmas and New Year holidays are time reserved for creative activities that boost the spirit of fellowship. This was the exact atmosphere which ruled in Savremena International School on Wednesday, 9th of December, after the seventh period when students and teachers, headed by our Arts teacher, Miss Ana Manojlović, made decorations to decorate the Christmas…

Teslin muzej

A contemporary visit to a museum

During the previous week, students of Savremena International School had a chance to acquaint themselves with the life and work of one of the greatest world’s inventors and scientists of Serbian ancestry, a man who was argued to have “illuminated the planet”. As you can guess, we are talking about the visit to Nikola Tesla’s…

SG učenici Bazen

We congratulate our students on the significant results in swimming

Savremena International School swimming team, led by their PE teacher, Stefan Radojičić, had a debut on Wednesday, 9 December, at the city high school swimming competition. The sports center “11 April “had the opportunity to host the students of Belgrade high schools. Savremena International School swimming team consisted of the following students: Tara Ćulibrk, Aleksa Popović,…

Success of the Students of Savremena International School at the Rhetoric Competition

The students of Savremena International School, Anđela Despotović, Mina Kovačević, Una Grzunov and Viktor Anđelković represented their school at a rhetoric competition. All of them delivered the orations they wrote themselves, leaving a strong impression on the audience and achieving a noteworthy success. ‘An imagined word is a thought! A spoken word is a speech!…

Interesting holograms in physics lessons

Students of Savremena International School conducted interesting experiments with holograms within their physics lessons and thus began celebrating the Science Festival within the school premises. Our physics teacher, Tijana Marinković, designed a truly different lesson where students use light effects in order to holograms with the logo of their school. This seemingly difficult task rapidly…

A lecture in Savremena International School on the occasion of the World AIDS Day

Recently, the Savremena International School celebrated the International Day of Tolerance. On that occasion both the school’s learning support consultant and the psychologist organised a workshop which aimed at raising awareness of our students towards some groups or ethnic minorities. The result of the aforesaid workshop demonstrated a high level of intolerance of Savremena’s students…

It’s time for theatre!

The students of Savremena at the play ‘Anna Karenina’ On Saturday, 28th of November the students of Savremena International School had the opportunity to see the play ‘Anna Karenina’, which has been included in the repertoire of the opera house and theatre ‘Madlenianum’ as of last year. Why is this play so current? This dearly…

Let’s play squash!

Last week, the students of Savremena International School played squash during their PE lesson. This sport is ideal for all ages. Why is squash the healthiest sport of all? According to the well-known magazine, Forbes, squash was declared the healthiest sport in the world ahead of swimming, rowing and basketball. Squash engages an important number…

International Day of Tolerance

The International Day of Tolerance is celebrated on 16th of November globally. Consequently, the entire week in Savremena International School was dedicated to this topic. Why do we celebrate the International Day of Tolerance? The grounds which make us different from each other have no significance whatsoever. If we are tolerant and willing to show…

Savremena International School and Pedagogic Society of Serbia organised a great professional seminar

In collaboration with the Pedagogic Society of Serbia, Savremena International School has prepared a seminar on 13 and 14 November with the topic of Professional development of associate experts meant for the specialising psychologists and learning support consultants. Psychologists and learning support consultants from more than thirty primary and secondary schools from Belgrade and Pancevo…

Volcanic eruptions in Savremena

Have you ever heard of “geo-chemistry”? In Savremena, our students don’t find this science unfamiliar, because interdisciplinary lessons are rather frequent here. Connecting information from various subjects is utterly important for acquiring functional knowledge, and that is why one lesson combined geography and chemistry. By conducting experiments our students learnt about the destruction and decomposition…

Celebration of the International Education Week

The Savremena International School celebrated last week the International Education Week under the slogan “My International Journey”. On that occasion, the students and teachers of Savremena International School organised different activities thus contributing to this important international event. In addition to having learned a lot through games and fun time, the students had the opportunity…

The best students of Savremena

After the first trimester, our students showed with their hard work and excellent marks that they were true students of Savremena. Among all of them, there were the ones who excelled. Our teachers in Savremena take pride in their students’ success, whereas their classmates try to follow their examples. Our Teachers’ Council decided to give…

A renowned author, Violeta Babić, presented her novels in Savremena International School

On 4 November our school received a special guest. A renowned author, a long-time proofreader and the editor of “Kreativni centar”, Violeta Babić, visited our school. The encounter with the author After our students’ successful visit to this year’s book fair, Savremena gave its students an opportunity to meet Violeta Babić and attend her novels’…

Savremena’s teachers and students spent Halloween together

On Saturday 31 October, Savremena International School organised a Halloween party for its teachers and students. Preparations for Halloween Last week in Savremena was characterised by Halloween preparations. In the school’s dining room, our students carved pumpkins with their arts teacher and designed decoration for the party, while scary music that teachers used to contribute…

A truly different Halloween

Last week, Savremena International School celebrated Halloween in such a way that all lessons were dedicated to discovering new details regarding this holiday. Among the typical ways of celebrating Halloween, our students also had a chance to discover historical and geographical concepts of this holiday and perceive it from various different angles in order to…

Fencing during PE classes

Teaching at Savremena International School is truly different and so are the PE lessons. We want to enable our students to test their skills at various disciplines, develop a variety of skills and to achieve sports results in addition to academic. For this purpose, on 19th and 21st October, as part of the PE lessons,…

Savremena’s students visited the Vinča archaeological site

Every history, art, music and world literature textbook begins with a lesson on the culture of ancient civilisations. In the previous month Savremena’s students familiarised themselves with how human cultures and histories began developing. Wishing to make the acquired knowledge as memorable as possible, Savremena International School took its students onto an educational field trip.…

Truly different first school week at Savremena International School – Classroom without walls

Savremena International School students had their first outdoor public lesson – the Danube and the Sava rivers cruise. It was cheerful and noisy at the Danube quay across the Great War Island. Savremena International School students were eagerly waiting with their teachers to get on board and start a two-hour adventure. Belgrade through the centuries…

Savremena school year has begun

The best school year at Savremena International School has begun – not on the first of September, when the school year officially starts, but a day earlier. Principal Svetlana Belić Malinić, along with all school personnel, wanted to facilitate the students’ encounter with the new environment and make the start of the school year truly…

The youngest students join Savremena Gimnazija through the M-E-S programme

After a great number of students successfully enrolled, on Saturday, the 5th of September, Savremena International School welcomed its youngest students into the M-E-S programme. Students aged 12-15, from various parts of Serbia (Belgrade, Čačak, Kragujevac…) wanted to acquire the Savremena flavour of knowledge at this Cambridge programme and prepare for further education at Savremena…

Savremena International School is now a Cambridge Global Perspectives School

Apart from providing an unmatched learning experience, Savremena International School is also among the few Cambridge Global Perspectives schools in the region. What this means is that our students have the opportunity to take Global Perspectives, a unique and interdisciplinary Cambridge subject and receive an innovative, interdisciplinary, creative and unique kind of education. Students are…

Omiljene aplikacije i igrice za lakše i zanimljivije učenje

Uz popularne aplikacije, učenje na tabletima postaje lakše i interesantnije, učenici su maštovitiji, aktivniji na času, motivisani su da istražuju i uče, brže napreduju i postaju uspešniji. Zahvaljujući Google Drive-u i Kingsoft Office aplikaciji, postoje elektronske sveske za svakog učenika pa umesto u džepu ili rancu, online svesku deca nose na mobilnom telefonu, tabletu ili…