A renowned author, Violeta Babić, presented her novels in Savremena International School

On 4 November our school received a special guest. A renowned author, a long-time proofreader and the editor of “Kreativni centar”, Violeta Babić, visited our school. The encounter with the author After our students’ successful visit to this year’s book fair, Savremena gave its students an opportunity to meet Violeta Babić and attend her novels’…

Savremena’s teachers and students spent Halloween together

On Saturday 31 October, Savremena International School organised a Halloween party for its teachers and students. Preparations for Halloween Last week in Savremena was characterised by Halloween preparations. In the school’s dining room, our students carved pumpkins with their arts teacher and designed decoration for the party, while scary music that teachers used to contribute…

A truly different Halloween

Last week, Savremena International School celebrated Halloween in such a way that all lessons were dedicated to discovering new details regarding this holiday. Among the typical ways of celebrating Halloween, our students also had a chance to discover historical and geographical concepts of this holiday and perceive it from various different angles in order to…

Fencing during PE classes

Teaching at Savremena International School is truly different and so are the PE lessons. We want to enable our students to test their skills at various disciplines, develop a variety of skills and to achieve sports results in addition to academic. For this purpose, on 19th and 21st October, as part of the PE lessons,…

Savremena’s students visited the Vinča archaeological site

Every history, art, music and world literature textbook begins with a lesson on the culture of ancient civilisations. In the previous month Savremena’s students familiarised themselves with how human cultures and histories began developing. Wishing to make the acquired knowledge as memorable as possible, Savremena International School took its students onto an educational field trip.…

Truly different first school week at Savremena International School – Classroom without walls

Savremena International School students had their first outdoor public lesson – the Danube and the Sava rivers cruise. It was cheerful and noisy at the Danube quay across the Great War Island. Savremena International School students were eagerly waiting with their teachers to get on board and start a two-hour adventure. Belgrade through the centuries…

Savremena school year has begun

The best school year at Savremena International School has begun – not on the first of September, when the school year officially starts, but a day earlier. Principal Svetlana Belić Malinić, along with all school personnel, wanted to facilitate the students’ encounter with the new environment and make the start of the school year truly…

The youngest students join Savremena Gimnazija through the M-E-S programme

After a great number of students successfully enrolled, on Saturday, the 5th of September, Savremena International School welcomed its youngest students into the M-E-S programme. Students aged 12-15, from various parts of Serbia (Belgrade, Čačak, Kragujevac…) wanted to acquire the Savremena flavour of knowledge at this Cambridge programme and prepare for further education at Savremena…

Savremena International School is now a Cambridge Global Perspectives School

Apart from providing an unmatched learning experience, Savremena International School is also among the few Cambridge Global Perspectives schools in the region. What this means is that our students have the opportunity to take Global Perspectives, a unique and interdisciplinary Cambridge subject and receive an innovative, interdisciplinary, creative and unique kind of education. Students are…

Omiljene aplikacije i igrice za lakše i zanimljivije učenje

Uz popularne aplikacije, učenje na tabletima postaje lakše i interesantnije, učenici su maštovitiji, aktivniji na času, motivisani su da istražuju i uče, brže napreduju i postaju uspešniji. Zahvaljujući Google Drive-u i Kingsoft Office aplikaciji, postoje elektronske sveske za svakog učenika pa umesto u džepu ili rancu, online svesku deca nose na mobilnom telefonu, tabletu ili…