International School Savremena’s Jana Marinović is not only a straight A student, but also the co-founder of the Perspektiva foundation whose goal is to financially contribute to the employment support programme launched by the Centre for Youth Integration.

Fashion with purpose
By manufacturing and selling modern clothing items made from high-quality materials, they are trying to raise awareness about the situation these children are facing and provide them with a fresh start. You can follow them on their Instagram account @perspektiva_bgd.
Student Jana Marinović said:
With the Perspektiva foundation, we finally have fashion with purpose.
Their first collection was designed by our famous graphic designer Slavimir Stojanovic Futro.
We are very proud of the fact that International School Savremena has students such as Jana, who show such creativity, inspiration and initiative. The young founders also created an online store, which you can visit at Their mission of starting a foundation was inspired by volunteering at the Belgrade Drop-in Shelter.