The significance of its role in educating the bright minds of tomorrow makes school as an institution one of the most important components in a society, along with a supportive family unit. Due to the immense influence school has on a child’s development, parents want to give their child the best possible education.

Good school vs bad school

How can we recognise a good school that offers a high quality educational programme? We have selected a few key characteristics that might help you differentiate good schools from bad schools since a good school is able to offer comprehensive education and a high degree of expertise and professionalism unlike bad schools who have evident shortcomings in their organisation.

1. A good school focuses on its students.

A good school has a unique and understanding approach to each student whilst respecting all of their individual differences. No student is simply there to stand in the background but they are all talented and unique individuals who deserve special attention and the best approach that would lead them to success. At a good school the groups are kept small so that teachers have enough time to allocate just the right amount of attention to each student, while a personalised approach enables each student to fulfill their full potential.

2. At a good school, teaching is creative and dynamic.

Interactive and dynamic teaching are important features of a good school. Classes are designed in such a way that encourages students to actively participate in lessons. With ample opportunities that are sure to peak their interests, students will acquire new knowledge and become successful.

3. A good school uses the advantages offered by modern technologies.

Given that computer literacy is one of the most important skills to posses nowadays, in our modern times, the use of technologies is increasingly becoming a necessity in schools. A good school provides its students with a well-designed and modern environment, makes use of technological innovations in its teaching, it enhances the communication between teachers, students and parents with the help of a number of platforms.

4. A good school is strict but fair.

A good school system continues to set challenges for its students. Teaching is especially adapted to the needs of each student so that it encourages them to give their best no matter the task, making sure that they are not left discouraged should they face something that seems too difficult to handle. The marking process is also very important because it is supposed to evaluate the work and effort of a student and motivate them to develop even further.

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5. At a good school, learning is fun.

Lesson materials and subjects that are presented in fun way are retained much longer by students than information that is rendered in a dry and boring way. Through games, new knowledge is acquired with enthusiasm and students are motivated to study at school and outside of it. A good school organises interesting workshops, interactive classes and thus encourages students to think in a flexible and creative way.

6. At a good school, the final result is a successful career.

The ultimate goal of a high quality educational programme is not just to have students receive good marks but to have them acquire practical knowledge and skills which they can use even after their formal education. A good school helps its students develop critical thinking skills with which they will be able to stand out later in life. Along with the practical knowledge, students are taught how to achieve the best results and attain high-ranking positions in society.

Savremena International School – the best school for a successful future

Making sure that all the principles of a high quality education are upheld, Savremena International School represents an ideal place to develop the creative and academic potential of each student.Ucionica SG

Savremena is the only Future Ready school in the region. Our students and teachers make use of modern technologies by using interactive whiteboards, an e-diary, different educational apps, the eLearning platform, an online library and tablets which complement the modern learning environment that is our school.

Through interdisciplinary and creative lessons our students acquire practical knowledge which enables them to achieve the best results, not just on tests but later in life as well.

Savremena International School was accredited by Cambridge International Examinations and the Ministry of Education. Savremena’s students can attend one of the following three programmes: the National, the Cambridge and the Combined programme where the language of instruction can either be Serbian or English.

The 2016/2017 enrolment period is underway.

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