International School is taking part in the international EngLife project, supported by the Erasmus+ Foundation, in order to implement the innovative EngLife methodology which will take English classes to the next level by means of cutting-edge technology. Along with partners from Ireland, Italy, Poland, Greece and Estonia, International School is developing a system for supporting teachers in their intention to enhance their expertise, pedagogical skills and teaching methods.

What’s the goal of this project?
Conceived with the aim of improving English language teachers’ professional competencies, the project implements the idea that teachers should better the learning process as well by appropriately using state-of-the-art technology, namely resources that students know about and find interesting. Teachers are encouraged to share the knowledge they acquire in these projects with their colleagues, thus creating a community of competent teachers united by a common goal – to make classes as rich in content, interactive and purposeful as possible.
An integral part of this project, EngLife methodology is the main goal of International School. Specifically, the aim is to utilize all the available and adequate resources with a view to improving the teaching process, as well as the people leading that process. One of those resources is certainly modern technology, which teachers can apply in a variety of ways, enriching the processes on multiple levels by doing so, but only if they use it appropriately.
Commitment to development and constant improvement
The quality of Erasmus projects has been proven and they are held in high regard by everyone as they’re always focused on community development and dealing with issues concerning the whole of society. Seeing as International School too strives to bring about positive social change through its work, the cooperation between Erasmus and International School comes as no surprise.
The EngLife project is another confirmation of International School’s quality and commitment to learning, development and progress. Having offered its teachers an opportunity to acquire international competencies and develop continuously, International School puts into practice everything that it stands for in theory, i.e. the view that learning never stops and that schools should provide their teachers with all the resources necessary for developing their competencies and enhancing their teaching performance, so that they set a good example to International School students.
A project called Strengthening Teachers’ Digital Readiness for a Lifetime English Language Education will enable teachers and students at International School to advance and gain comprehensive knowledge and experience, which is why they are looking forward to participating in the Erasmus projects.
This project has been realized in coordination with the following partners:
- Atlantic Language School (Ireland)
- Istituto Tecnico Tecnologico G. Malafarina (Italy)
- LO Dubiecko (Poland)
- CLV Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace z Oddzialami Dwujezycznymi im. Bohaterek Pow stania Warszawskiego (Poland)
- International School (Serbia)
- Platon m.e.p.e (Greece)
- Nordic Edtech Forum N8 MTÜ (Estonia)
Project coordinator:
Luminar Foundation