This campaign is over. If you would like to learn more about the International School, recognized Cambridge diplomas and international education, visit our website and find out everything about current enrolment benefits.
Learn more »Welcome to International School’s School Day party! Every celebration is better with presents, which is why we are giving you a great enrolment discount during this week.
We have a special birthday offer for all prospective students of our Cambridge and IB school:
Don’t miss this unique opportunity to enrol your child at the most prestigious Cambridge and IB school in Serbia and the region!
IMPORTANT: According to the latest update, there are three vacancies available for enrollment in Year 9 (VIII grade of elementary school), while in Year 7 there are four, and in Year 8 two vacancies (VI and VII grade of elementary school). For enrollment in high school, certain subject combinations are available for Year 10 (I grade), there is one vacancy left in Year 11 (II grade), while in Year 12 (III grade), there are only three vacancies with predetermined subject combinations. Due to high interest, available vacancies will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis according to the order of application submissions.
The gate of the International School is therefore open at a very low fee to all students ages 11—19 who have high academic goals. From just €689 per month, you will provide your child with an education and development in a creative and inspiring environment that opens the door to the most prestigious universities in the country and abroad.
Every responsible parent is aware of the importance of education for the further development of their child, so choosing the right school is an extremely important decision that no one leaves to chance. This is exactly why International School is the right choice if you want your child to acquire 21st-century knowledge and skills!
Best Cambridge
students in the world
Satisfied students
Sports and academic
prizes and achievements
Cambridge exam
passing rate
Suppose it is not suitable for you to have your child physically attend classes because you do not live in Belgrade or you want your child to attend the Cambridge International Programme in addition to their regular school. In that case, your child can acquire all the necessary qualifications to obtain the internationally recognised ICE and AICE diplomas by attending International School’s Cambridge DL Programme.
In addition to attending classes in traditional classrooms, we have enabled our students to attend classes online, through a unique Distance Learning platform. All you need is a stable internet connection and a computer or mobile phone. Students will be able to do everything they would do in a real classroom – listen, watch, read, etc., with learning materials available 24/7 and full support from teachers and mentors.
As a result, through distance learning, students get the same quality of knowledge and skills as if they were learning in a traditional classroom. Qualifications and diplomas are equally recognised and open the doors of the world's most prestigious universities to your child.
Available 24/7
from any location
The most
modern Distance
Learning platform
Full support from
teachers and mentors
Equally recognised
qualifications and diplomas
The International School is the most modern Cambridge and IB school in the country and the region, accredited by Cambridge University and the Serbian Ministry of Education.
International School is a primary and secondary Cambridge and IB school in which students realise their full academic potential through educational programmes, interdisciplinary lessons and numerous extracurricular activities. A unique curriculum and dedicated teachers encourage the students’ development and foster their professional and academic aspirations. Thanks to this holistic approach, International School students achieve notable results in competitions around the world.
International School provides students with a top-quality primary and secondary education that is a gateway to universities in Serbia and abroad. The future-ready International School’s end-goal in terms of education is comprehensive intellectual, emotional, social, moral and physical development of the students, in accordance with their abilities, needs and interests.
The special enrolment offer at the International School lasts until 1 June. Make the most of this moment when the tuition fee is reduced and invest in your child’s education. Provide your child with a top-quality education at the most prestigious Cambridge and IB school!
NOTE: The School Day discount is available only for applications received by 1 June 2024, by 11:59 pm. There are a single-digit number of places left for students to enrol in Year 7 and Year 8 (6th and 7th grades of primary school). When it comes to secondary school enrolment, there are only places available within the DL education programme. By applying, you will show your interest and thus ensure a discounted tuition fee. After you apply, you will be contacted by an enrolment advisor who will explain the next steps to you.
I was among the top 3% of students in the world
I am a final-year student at the International School and during these four years I achieved top results in Cambridge exams. I was among the top 3% of students in the world, for which I was awarded the Cambridge distinction. With help from the International School and its teachers, I managed to enrol at some of the best universities in the world.
Making it easier to enrol at universities abroad
The reason we chose the Cambridge programme is because of the English-medium lessons which will prepare her to enrol into universities abroad. From its classrooms to its teaching approach and its individual mentoring, International School is modern in every way. I believe that the Cambridge programme offers our children something that other secondary schools cannot.
I’ve achieved the best results in exams and competitions
I am a final-year student at the International School and throughout these four years the school has provided me with many options, such as the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award or Peer Tutoring, which have enabled me to enrich my academic portfolio. At the Owlypia competition, I won first place in the world in the online round and qualified for the global contest that takes place at the University of Cambridge.
The International Programme opens a lot of doors
I chose this school because the International Programme opens a lot of doors compared to other schools. The Cambridge International Programme helps me learn in a different environment, prepare for studying abroad and, most importantly, practice my English skills. I am particularly happy that I have friends from around the world, America, Ireland, Russia, which enables me to have insight into cultural similarities and differences and learn new things.
I would recommend International School to absolutely everyone
So far, I’ve had an amazing experience at the International School. I am more than happy with the fact that everyone is really accepting and the teachers really try to help us do our best and achieve the best possible results. They even try to help us overachieve. I would recommend this school to absolutely everyone out there, because it’s truly different and they’ll have no problem fitting in.
A perfect choice for achieving academic and sports excellence
The International School always seemed like a perfect choice for me because I knew I needed a school that was going to help me achieve academic and sports excellence. The support I’ve received from the school really helped me through all the tournaments and the tests I’ve had in previous years. The teachers even came to the Serbian Open golf tournament, which motivated me to win the championship.
Ova akcija je završena. Ukoliko želite da saznate više o International Schoolu, priznatim Cambridge diplomama i internacionalnom školovanju, posetite naš sajt i saznajte više o aktuelnim pogodnostima za upis.
Saznajte više »Dobro došli na proslavu Dana škole International Schoola! Svaki jubilej je lepši uz slavlje i poklone i zato vam tokom slavljeničke nedelje poklanjamo sjajan popust na upis.
Samo za buduće učenike Kembridž i IB škole pripremili smo posebnu ponudu za Dan škole:
Ne propustite ovu jedinstvenu priliku da dete upišete u najmoderniju Kembridž i IB školu u Srbiji i regionu!
VAŽNO: Prema poslednjem preseku stanja, ostalo je tri slobodna mesta za upis u Year 9 (VIII razred osnovne škole), dok je u Year 7 ostalo četiri, a u Year 8 dva slobodna mesta (VI i VII razred osnovne škole). Za upis u srednju školu, ostale su pojedine kombinacije predmeta za Year 10 (I godina), u Year 11 (II godina) ostalo je jedno mesto, dok je u Year 12 (III godina) samo tri slobodna mesta sa unapred određenom kombinacijom predmeta. Zbog velikog interesovanja, raspoloživa mesta će se popunjavati u skladu sa redosledom pristizanja prijava za upis.
Vrata International Schoola su otvorena svim učenicima uzrasta od 11 do 19 koji imaju visoke akademske ciljeve, i to po izuzetno niskoj ceni. Već od 689 evra mesečno svom detetu obezbeđujete školovanje i razvijanje u kreativnom i podsticajnom okruženju, koje otvara vrata najprestižnijih svetskih i domaćih univerziteta.
Svaki odgovoran roditelj svestan je značaja koje obrazovanje ima za dalji razvoj deteta, pa je tako odabir prave škole odluka koju niko ne prepušta slučaju. Upravo je zbog toga International School pravi izbor za sticanje modernih znanja i veština!
najboljih Kembridž
učenika na svetu
zadovoljnih učenika
sportskih i akademskih nagrada i postignuća
prolaznosti na
Kembridž ispitima
Ako vam nije praktično da vaše dete dolazi na nastavu, ne živite u Beogradu ili želite da vaš srednjoškolac pored redovne škole pohađa paralelno i Cambridge International program, sve potrebne kvalifikacije za sticanje svetski priznatih ICE i AICE diploma možete dobiti na International School Cambridge DL programu.
Pored tradicionalne nastave u učionicama, našim učenicima omogućili smo i da nastavu prate online, putem jedinstvene Distance Learning platforme. Sve što vam je potrebno su internet konekcija i računar ili mobilni uređaj. Učenici nastavu slušaju, gledaju, čitaju, uz dostupnost materijala 24/7 i kompletnu podršku profesora i mentora.
Kao rezultat školovanja na daljinu učenici dobijaju isti kvalitet znanja i veština kao da su učili iz klupe. Kvalifikacije i diplome su podjednako priznate i vašem detetu otvaraju vrata najprestižnijih svetskih univerziteta.
Dostupnost 24/7
sa bilo kog mesta
Learning platforma
Kompletna podrška
profesora i mentora
Podjednako priznate
kvalifikacije i diplome
International School je najmodernija Kembridž i IB škola u zemlji i regionu, koja ima akreditaciju prestižnog Univerziteta u Kembridžu i Ministarstva prosvete Republike Srbije.
International School je osnovna i srednja Kembridž i IB škola, u kojoj učenici ostvaruju svoj pun akademski potencijal kroz edukativne programe, interdisciplinarne časove i brojne vannastavne aktivnosti. Jedinstven kurikulum i posvećeni profesori podstiču pravilan razvoj učenika i neguju njihove profesionalne i akademske aspiracije. Učenici International Schoola postižu zapažene rezultate na brojnim takmičenjima širom sveta upravo zbog ovakvog sveobuhvatnog pristupa.
International School učenicima pruža najkvalitetnije osnovno i srednjoškolsko obrazovanje, obezbeđujući im veću prolaznost na fakultete u Srbiji i inostranstvu. Krajnji cilj International Schoola u pogledu obrazovanja i vaspitanja kao future-ready škole jeste pun intelektualni, emocionalni, socijalni, moralni i fizički razvoj učenika, u skladu sa njihovim sposobnostima, potrebama i interesovanjima.
Povlašćeni uslovi za upis u International School važe samo do 1. juna. Iskoristite trenutak kada je školarina niža i investirajte u obrazovanje svog deteta. Obezbedite svom detetu najkvalitetnije obrazovanje u najmodernijoj Kembridž i IB školi!
NAPOMENA: Popust za Dan škole važi samo za prijave pristigle do 1. 6. 2024, do 23:59. Ostao je jednocifren broj mesta za upis u Year 7 i Year 8 (VI i VII razred osnovne škole), dok su za upis u srednju školu ostala samo slobodna mesta u okviru DL školovanja. Prijavom pokazujete interesovanje za upis i obezbeđujete upis po povlašćenoj ceni školarine. Nakon što se prijavite, sa vama će kontaktirati savetnik za upis, koji će vam objasniti dalje korake.
Bila sam među 3% najboljih učenika na svetu
Završna sam godina u International Schoolu i za ove četiri godine postigla sam najbolje rezultate na Kembridž ispitima. Kao glavni uspeh istakla bih činjenicu da sam bila u 3% najboljih učenika na svetu i za taj uspeh dobila ugledno priznanje „Cambridge Distinction”. Uz veliku pomoć International Schoola i sjajnih nastavnika uspela sam da se upišem na nekoliko najboljih svetskih univerziteta.
Lakši upis na fakultete u inostranstvu
International School ima izvanredan nastavni program i pristup za decu kao što je moje dete, koje je završilo osnovnu školu maltene u inostranstvu, a dva razreda u Srbiji, i nikad se nije uklopilo u taj način učenja. Upravo je to najvažniji razlog zašto smo izabrali ovaj Cambridge International program. Moje dete će na taj način imati nastavu isključivo na engleskom jeziku, što će joj omogućiti lakši upis na fakultet u inostranstvu.
Ostvarila sam najbolje rezultate na ispitima i takmičenjima
Pohađam završnu godinu u International Schoolu i za ove četiri godine škola mi je omogućila mnoge opcije dodatnog usavršavanja poput programa „Međunarodna nagrada vojvode od Edinburga” ili „Učenik-tutor”. Kroz ove sjajne programe obogatila sam svoj akademski portfolio. Na takmičenju „Owlypia” u onlajn-rundi osvojila sam prvo mesto na svetu i plasirala se na globalno takmičenje koje se održava na Univerzitetu u Kembridžu.
Cambridge International program otvara mnoga vrata
Ovu školu sam odabrao jer International program otvara mnoga vrata, što sa drugim školama nije slučaj. Cambridge International program omogućava mi da učim u drugačijem okruženju, da se spremim za nastavak školovanja u inostranstvu i, što je najvažnije, da usavršim svoje znanje engleskog jezika. Posebno mi je drago što nastavu pohađam sa učenicima iz celog sveta – Amerike, Irske, Rusije – pa mogu da steknem uvid u kulturološke sličnosti i razlike i da iznova učim nešto novo.
Svima bih preporučila International School
Dosadašnje školovanje u International Schoolu predstavlja neverovatno iskustvo za mene. Ono što bih posebno istakla jeste činjenica da su svi veoma predusretljivi, nastavnici se trude da ostvarimo sjajne rezultate i budemo što bolji, pa čak i da prevaziđemo sopstvena očekivanja. Svima bih preporučila International School jer je stvarno drugačija i lako ćete se uklopiti.
Savršen izbor za postizanje akademskog i sportskog uspeha
International School je uvek izgledao kao pravi izbor za mene jer sam znala da mi je potrebna škola koja će mi pomoći da postignem željeni uspeh na akademskom i sportskom planu. Podrška škole mi je zaista značila na svim turnirima i testovima koje sam imala prethodnih godina. Nastavnici su čak došli na prvenstvo Srbije u golfu – „Serbian Open” – što me je dodatno motivisalo da osvojim turnir.