A parent, guardian, or other physical or legal person, who accepts the responsibility of educating the student, on the one hand, and International School, on the other hand, sign the Parent-Teacher Contract. The contract regulates the particularities of the parent-school relationship in terms of their mutual obligations towards the educational services, where International School obliges to provide and the other party to financially compensate.
The Contract is valid for four years, that is until the student completes their education at International School. The terms defined in the Contract can be subsequently changed by both parties’ consent. These changes are primarily related to the demands of the parents, guardians or students for further modalities of the services provided by International School.
The fees agreed upon at the time of signing are not an issue of change for the duration of the Contract, to the advantage of the parents/guardians.
Upon admission, each student receives all necessary textbooks, notebooks and additional material. Textbooks, manuals, computers and other school supplies are the property of International School. Any damage or loss of this property, caused by the student, is monetarily reimbursed.
The work produced by the student during their schooling, which is created using materials provided by International School, is the property of International School. The parent/guardian agrees to this by signing this document. The parent/guardian and the student can review this Contract in detail in the school secretariat.
Code of conduct
The work of International School is based on its collaboration with students and parents. Respecting the rules and codes of conduct at International School serves to ensure the full safety and health of students, as well as optimal conditions for the implementation of the curriculum and the educational impact. This is why we’ve put together the Code of Conduct, which applies to the students as well as the visitors of International School. These rules are designed to assist students in achieving their best results in a safe environment. These procedures are strictly defined and must be upheld. Parents should be familiar with the procedures and encourage their children to fully respect the agreed upon.
In compliance with our open-door policy, we are always ready to explain our rules and procedures to students and parents.