For one day, the LINK Innovations project “Parents at Work” became “Aunts at Work”, as Mr Vladimir Milošević, geography teacher, took Year 10 students to Frikom, to see Aleksa Vukčević’s aunt, Ms Olga Ristić, general manager at Frikom, at her workplace.
The students were introduced to the operations of different sectors and departments within this important company. Frikom’s experts presented branding and marketing, whilst Ms Olga spoke about the demands and challenges faced by companies such as Frikom.
Students had a unique opportunity to see how ice cream is made, and they could even make their own flavours! How cool is that?! They also saw how the ice cream industry stores its products and how it delivers it to other markets and to stores.
This visit was an opportunity for the students to apply their knowledge from business and geography curricula, while – in the perhaps more immediately satisfying aspect of the visit – sampling the delicious ice creams and other frozen products.
We are thankful to Aleksa’s aunt for welcoming us to this useful and “tasteful” tour! Can we go again?