On Monday, 12 March, International School Savremena enabled its students to attend a presentation of the University of Nova Gorica (UNG), thus helping all those who have yet to decide where to continue their education make another step towards choosing the right university.
About this acclaimed Slovenian university
The University of Nova Gorica, a young and dynamic institution located in the border region of western Slovenia, is an excellent gateway to quality studies in natural sciences, engineering, biotechnology, the arts and management. The university provides modern and practically oriented study programmes, individual approach towards the students, excellent opportunities for participating in research activities, great employment prospects of the graduates and the possibility for the students to cooperate with their potential employers even during the study process, all of which is a gateway towards knowledge, professional experience and personal development.
UNG presentation sparks great interest among Savremena’s students
Savremena’s students learnt about the possibilities of studying abroad and the benefits of attending the University of Nova Gorica which, despite being one of the younger higher education institutions in western Slovenia, is highly ranked in the international university ranking system. The students watched a short film made by the students of the UNG School of Arts, and discussed various aspects of studying at this university with UNG representatives.
Savremena’s students also learnt about one of the main benefits offered by the University – the international agreement between the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Slovenia, which allows citizens of the Republic of Serbia to attend tuition-free BA and MA studies. The students particularly liked the educational concept in which the academic programmes focus on practical work, while the fact that UNG fosters the individual approach towards students and provides numerous programmes in English made the students even more interested in their activities.
With this presentation, International School Savremena continued its string of instructive presentations on foreign universities aimed at providing Savremena’s students with a gateway to successful studies in the future.