Inspired by the theme of 2018 WTISD – Enabling the positive use of Artificial Intelligence for All, on Thursday, 17 May, Savremena’s students visited the Nikola Tesla Museum with their physics teacher Ana Vlašić, and computer science teacher Milić Vukojičić, where they learnt about the works and discoveries of one of the pioneer scientists in the area of telecommunication in computer science.
The purpose of World Telecommunication and Information Society Day is to help raise awareness of the possibilities that the use of the Internet and other information and communication technologies can bring to societies and economies. In recent years, there has been significant progress in Artificial Intelligence technology, made possible by machine learning, computing power and storage capacity.
Being students of the most modern school in Serbia, Savremena’s students were eager to participate in this event and learn even more about artificial intelligence.
Virtual tour around the museum
However, Savremena’s curious minds did not stop at Nikola Tesla only.
Afterwards, through the project “Pupin on the Web”, Savremena’s students learnt about another great mind, Mihajlo Pupin, when, at International School Savremena, the teachers took them on a virtual tour around the Mihajlo Pupin Museum.
World Telecommunication and Information Society Day was a great occasion for gathering all students curious about Artificial Intelligence, who had the opportunity to get acquainted with various computer innovations, and also partake in a discussion on this topic.
It was no surprise that a special guest at the event was a little robot that made this day even more entertaining.