On Friday, 2 June, Savremena’s Cambridge students interested in studying hotel management and the culinary arts visited the Hyatt Regency Belgrade, a luxurious five-star hotel, and learnt about the secret to its success both domestically and globally.
Hotel chain known worldwide
The Hyatt Regency Belgrade is just one among many Hyatt hotels located, apart from Belgrade, in New York, Washington, Chicago, Dubai, Sao Paulo, Shanghai and many other metropolises around the world.
In Serbia, this hotel offers top-quality service, and its interior reflects the comfort of urban lifestyle and luxury, which, combined with impeccable service makes the stay in this hotel a truly different experience.
Learning from the best
From the very first year of their secondary education, Savremena’s students start thinking about the steps that will determine their future career.
Since for many of them hotel management is one of the greatest challenges, Savremena has given them the opportunity to learn about the secrets of this industry at first hand from those who have mastered them. In one of the most beautiful and successful hotels in Belgrade, they had a tour around all departments and discovered which skills enable such a large and famous hotel to be successful year after year.
During a conversation with the staff and managers, Savremena’s students realised what it takes to become top-notch professionals in this industry, while those students interested in the culinary arts enjoyed the company of Danushka Kumara, the head chef, who gave them many valuable pieces of advice.
The kind and professional staff recognised the ambition and potential of Savremena’s students, who left the hotel with numerous offers to one day do internships at this very place.