At Savremena International School, teaching is conducted in a way that follows the global trends in education as well as in other relevant spheres. Thus, the topics we cover at school are always up to date with current events. During Global Perspectives lessons, students explore different subjects and learn how to combine their knowledge in order to solve actual problems in real-life situations.
Due to the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East and those between major world powers, as part of their Global Perspectives course, students took part in a unique workshop on conflict resolution.
The rules of engagement
At the beginning of the exercise, students were divided into two groups so that each of them could represent one of the conflicted countries. In order to keep both sides in line, and to decide on the winner in the end, a judge was selected and that was Iva Šušić.
Through the random selection method, the judge selected an ongoing international conflict like the ones between the US and China, ISIS and Syria, Israel and Palestine. After the roles were assigned, students had to think of arguments to support their stance in the conflict. In 15 minutes, they had to prepare their presentation before the court and explain the situation from their point of view.
The hearing
Having prepared their presentation, the students in each group selected a representative for their country who would present their interests in court in the best possible way. The judge initiated the discussion, requested evidence, cross-referenced both sides and encouraged a peaceful solution to the conflict.
Thanks to the knowledge they had previously acquired, students were able to represent the interests of the major powers in a well-informed and convincing way and to echo the inclinations of their people just like real international representatives. Bearing in mind the methods of conflict resolution, Savremena’s young diplomats offered realistic solutions that could help solve the current conflicts and prevent future ones from occurring between rival nations.
The final verdict
After hearing the arguments from the opposed sides, it was time for the judge to make an objective decision on the way the conflicts should be resolved. After carefully examining all the facts as well as the possibilities of resolving the problems, judge Iva ruled in favour of both sides.
Namely, the final verdict determined a treaty to be signed between the nations in order to resolve the conflict in a peaceful way, leaving both sides as winners and an escalation of international hostilities was thus avoided.The case was closed and the conflicts were successfully resolved.
Raising awareness on current international conflicts
By taking part in such an exercise, our students not only familiarised themselves with the subject matter, they also got to the heart of a number of international conflicts finding out what caused them and in what ways they could potentially be solved.
By raising awareness on the importance of good international relations, Savremena’s students learnt how to empathise with others and put themselves in the shoes of someone else, a distant and perhaps to them not so familiar people. By recognising the interests that motivate the other nations, students realised how to resolve the conflicts in the best possible way and so they enjoyed yet another fun and dynamic Global Perspectives lesson.
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